Monday 05 September 2005

Monday 05 September 2005

Is it preferable for us to manifest ourselves in this intimacy and thus pour out our pleas or our praised speeches?

Our visits never stop and are part of what you call nature. Yet this fact has not changed the catastrophic meaning of some of your actions.

The human race does not derogate from the imbalance of the more, the better and the more comfortable.

The manifestation that we are perpetuating here with you is an impetus without form or measure which tends to awaken, it is moreover the energy of this one which brings us together and decrypts our eternal movement in the form of writing. . We are the omnipresence of the universe, the canvas of ropes, the framework of any psyche. You are us and we are all of you. The way in which we make ourselves known is optional, limited, imperfect by that very fact, and should not interest the envious or the calculating.

But it must excite in you the love which is not lacking know it. We will not be catastrophic but insisting on your need for renewal. Take an interest in new things, putting aside your achievements and especially your ordering reason.

We are not here to preserve obscurantism, but hope, through these few lines, to find in you the place necessary for this openness.

If we have understood correctly that would mean that we are withdrawn?

Not quite. You lack daring

The lack of daring, isn’t it that of waiting to reach out to others?

This is part of it. Here you are the holder of a principle, of a very duty, and you embark on this marked road while ignoring the lights that catch your eye.
Be careful not to get lost in the lark mirror.

In the work we do, don’t you think it’s time for us to start sharing even more with others?

Here is proof of your good inspirations

How to reach out to others and bring up the subject if they put the brakes on when we talk to them about death?

To those who put the brakes on, answer with a smile or better still by the non importance of all this. Don’t get overwhelmed with people who don’t want to hear, there is much better to do with those who are mature. Do you think we are showing ourselves to those who believe they know everything, know everything and who limit themselves to what their senses dictate?

Is it a lack of charity to leave the spirit strong in its confusion?
Not everything has a reason for being and the negation of the eternal principle too.

For example, we would like to organize a day on the barge de lise, do you think it is through this kind of meeting that we can reach out to others?

Of course.

Us: Always with the objective of reaching out to others, having offered Internet users to ask you questions concerning the evolution of our work, we receive more and more about disembodied relatives with the risk that some would try to us trap by asking us, for example, for news from people who are not disembodied (or who do not exist) as has already happened to us? How can we not offend all these people who rely on us?

What would be your advice?

We understand your fears and they are valid. Therefore, caution is required, oh not to protect your consideration, but the idea, the principle that you convey and which is not your due. Take it for granted; do not promise anything, do not advance anything, do not find fundamental principles acquired and tested to the test, but remain open to spontaneity. The principle formulated is like the laws, subject to random outlines and unilateral views, something that does not correspond to the openings we want. The requests made to you today are laudable, but cannot be made here automatically, you do not have the possibility.
Get closer to these people, invite them, meet them. The first of your duties is to listen to them.
As for us, we will take care of the communicability.

Compared to what you told us again on June 6, to what extent can you explain to us what your life and your emotions are like, in our words?

We cannot reveal to you the things we want, because the reasons cannot decipher them, contain them. So in each of your periods we are pouring out the same message, sharpening your insights. We tell you, the messages that we write are psychic keys which secretly help you to conceive the higher stage and the arrival of new data which prevails the whole.

How can we ensure that the connected can concentrate and above all stay focused? (Gerard)

Open up more. That is to say give them the opportunity to follow your discussions. Open up to those who desire it naturally.

We have another concern. We would love to hear from you on the responsibility we have for the messages you have given us. For example those that Joël Conca has held for several years and that we are unable to recover?

It is good that you realize the responsibility that you have towards the messages thus given. Much more for the substance of the message given than for the form.

But what advice can you give us regarding Joël C?

On the one hand, hope he makes good use of it. Do not cry over the leak or the cabal that might be wrought on you. But beg that all of this stay in the right. This man is on trial and the burden thus imposed does not help him. Tell him, then, that it is not worth it to scuttle so much energy, love and brotherhood.

We will try to contact him to chat with him a bit.
Now we have another question put to us by a surfer (Pierre): If we send a laser on a sensor reacting to light, would you be able to disturb this ray enough so that we can see it on an oscilloscope?

We understand the question. There is again confusion in the laser principle that we expect from you. It is not the laser that we are disturbing, its ray strictly speaking, but its coherence wave. In fact we create disturbances there as for obtaining a hologram. It is therefore not necessary to measure the physical changes of the laser, but the disturbances it would contain. Different means can be put in place, that relating to photography reproduced on video is a good lead. There the lack of precision in your CCD sensors will be decisive.

An Internet user asks; how can they (internet users) do to help the contact more?

Here is an attention which is worth all the useful energies. The very fact of caring about contact shows an adequate disposition. May this person be reassured, his tenacity will overcome his pains and doubts.
Yes there is meaning to all of this.

We leave you to your existences. Eric, Gabriel, Sébastopol.