Monday 11 December 2006

Monday 11 December 2006

The spirits :
My dear friends, may the souls who listen to us know, we are leaning over you in this three- dimensional space and calling out to you. We use your senses to give you a hug and confirm our

love. Although your lives and your vicissitudes blind you and make you hunker down. Although those around you do not respect the privacy of this meeting, although the time of contact does not predispose you to meditation, we are with you and try to make you feel it. Then you my friends close to the hearth, keeping the night light, stoking the flame, guarantor of the exchange, yes here the letters of nobility of your work take all their meaning, in the sharing and the demonstration. Far from clever but rigorous calculations, pleasant and sincere, we urge you to continue in order to be present for things to come.Do not believe in fortuitous events, do not think that the universe is blind and that it rushes mechanically towards the chance of a goal or a revolution, not the Earth evolves and its surface changes. Many present it, we confirm it. You are living through a century of change and the swell of the whole will not spare anyone. Policies and institutions are preparing for movements that will trigger awareness promptly on the rise in death. We are happy with this contact and invite you again to openness and spontaneity.You are living through a century of change and the swell of the whole will not spare anyone. Policies and institutions are preparing for movements that will trigger awareness promptly on the rise in death. We are happy with this contact and invite you again to openness and spontaneity.You are living through a century of change and the swell of the whole will not spare anyone. Policies and institutions are preparing for movements that will trigger awareness promptly on the rise in death. We are happy with this contact and invite you again to openness and spontaneity.

Considering all these things and the predictions of the great upheavals that you have already given us, will France be a major country in terms of awareness?

The spirits:
France will not be different from other countries. She will also suffer from her lack of foresight. But in any case the evolution of things is irremediable and no matter the path taken anyway there is no sustainability in your way of existing. Human life is not eternal in its form and its institutions are in flux. Do not find a scapegoat for change because life does not care about rudimentary judgments. France does not exist as such for the universal spirit and given its point of equality, it is no more than an earthly home not different from the others. The evolution we are talking about will soon be visible beyond the disinformation and the sowers of negation.

Whatever we can say, whatever we can do, the evolution follows are short. France will not be spared by all these revolutions.

I have been very busy with this kind of thought for a while now and it becomes obsessive with me. Why ?

Of course there can be no such approaches without enlightened men feeling the beginnings. You are in direct contact with these things and your mind understands how important it is. Our interventions beyond time “visualize” these changes. We are living them at this time. This is what makes our contacts difficult because at the time of writing you are not going through the same events. Time and space cloud your vision and force us to make a lot of effort. Our silence

is not an option but a condition for being clear and intelligible. We cannot act on your future since it is potentially present and active at this moment. Your intuitions feed on it.

You are telling us that there are going to be major changes on the Earth’s surface, will we and the work we do have a role to play in this?

The spirits:
Research will be requested but beware of missteps. Evolving man will seek to understand the meaning of life in times when scandals and false promises decentralize human interests. The key is to be able to unite without prohibiting or promising. Do not be confused, these things are valid for the whole and go beyond your associative limits. The things you produce will be used.

Continuing, for this experience we had prepared a few questions that I am proposing to you. For about a month now we have had a video texture that looks quick to receive your images, what do you think?

The spirits:
The maintenance and the constancy allow us indeed to join you with more ease since we come to know you something impossible in the other direction. The constancy in the adjustment also allows us to undertake energetic actions that can achieve materialization. It is therefore necessary to continue on this idea: the maintenance of a unity. Be careful not to become rigid, but go towards the evolving unknown of your installation.

So we have to keep consistency, but not get stuck on something without evolving. Can relatives of ours or internet users come and work with us and make this known?

Spirits: Of course

And are there any who would like to make themselves known, so that we can think about it during our calls?

The spirits:
Each day suffices its pain, we will mention it as soon as it is done.

So each time a loved one wants to come forward, they will let us know.

We recently placed a Fresnel lens to diverge the laser, what do you think?

The spirits:
Good since it is in the logic of what will have to follow. You will notice the high quality of the laser light here. There are still improbabilities but you will only measure them in the finality. Do not think that our technical assessments could distract you from your guidance and merit. You are not alone in the dark, but very close to our requests. The key is to be attentive my friends and not stingy in efforts.

do you think that we are stingy in efforts?

Spirits: Yes!

The next question:
What do you think of digital holography ?:

It is a future necessity as was the advent of the laser.

Would you have something in particular to say to one of us or to an Internet user or even to all?

Yes, there are no unnecessary questions or irrelevant thinking. In fact all of your thoughts are important and form the subtle tissue of the earthly astral. We will never be available enough to answer them. But to do this we must use too narrow a channel to answer all your questions. The selection that is made here is only for clarity. We are not looking for smallness or the selection of subjects but understand this conduct. The spirit world exists beyond this medium and it is up to each of you and in particular, to understand and feel it.

This explains why all Internet users’ questions are interesting, that people might like to answer all of them, but that it is we who make selections for our work.

Absolutely, thank you for lending us your voice and following up in the vagueness.
