Tuesday 01 June 2010

The spirits :

My dear friends.
The family home gives men a sense of comfort and security. It is a haven of peace that we cuddle and believe to be unique. The family is the unifying and harmonious link where the intimate sense of brotherhood is manifested. However, this legitimate feeling breeds exclusivity and mistrust. The family becomes a continent surrounded by the human tide where the difference rages. We are then content with the family to sharpen our love or give birth to difficult feelings such as clemency and reciprocity.
This comparison that we want to make between family, home and contact groups such as yours should make you understand that the family, the contact group is only useful in multiplicity. There is only one family and it is organized around similar human feelings. Contact groups also have a unity that you do not yet see but that thwarts the sense of ownership. So there is not you and the others, my family and the rest of the world, but family and contact. This assessment is more blatant on this side of existence since space is subtracted in its very essence. When you are in contact with us broaden your vision and learn to recognize in your souls the expression of the whole world. This is not the incitement to egocentricity but the maturity of a universal spirit.

The important thing is to understand that the family is the multiplicity, that we are there to spread the message and enlarge the group, that there is no exclusivity in the contacts that we have and that we must that we learn that we are all brothers and sisters.

Is your introduction related to one of the questions I wanted to ask you?

It is related to your moods, your tendencies and the ideas that mark your thoughts!

We have prepared five questions that we would like to ask you.

1) We are going to read again all the reports of mediumship experiences that we have had since the beginning of the adventure, to evaluate the technique used and above all to see whether or not we have not forgotten something primordial. Do you have any advice or advice for us regarding this work?

Your memories grew heavy and your plots fill notebooks and books. Would this be the time to assess the work accomplished?
We encourage you in this work, although the changing future still demands many sacrifices and goodwill.
The important thing is without a doubt to calculate the number of rungs crossed, to assess the height of the ladder covered, but it is also the assessment of the course to be taken and not to lose balance. The overall vision that you will have then will demonstrate to you the necessity of the stimuli that we have always sent you and the relativity of the form that all this takes.

Any comments or questions in relation to what I have just read to you?

Oh there are many others, but buried in gene and doubt.

Would there be someone who would like to ask a question but who would not dare to do so?

I did have a question I wanted to ask, but it left. Maybe that’s it for me …

Well maybe it will come back to you. We’ll go to the second question.

2) An Internet user noted in an old report of mediumistic experience, a passage where you wrote to us that on your side you had a certified copy of our Module. Can you describe to us what it is and how you use it?

The spirits :
All the forms that exist on your earth have an impact on this side. We can even affirm that the idea which willed the form is above all spiritual, mental before being elaborated in form. Since we are advising you on the construction of this machine, it is obvious that our thought forms have erected a prototype that your materiality is trying to cover. This thought transforms into form for the occasion but has no ponderable and permanent existence. We would just have to stop thinking about it to make it disappear. The machine we use is more an attractive center for your production, than an object that we maintain. Naturally, on this side the module is more vaporous than yours and returned to its simplest form. There is a luminous production in which we manifest ourselves.Be careful, however, not to imagine a parallel world resembling yours. Know that the spirit world is something other than a pale reflection of your Earth.

The next question is Julien (an Internet user) who asks you.

3) If instead of the translucent screen we would install a simple pane. Would we get something interesting?

You would get something else, an oscillation much more difficult to control since the glass could not render the video image. There would then be a leak of light useful for feedback. The important thing is in the implementation of a holographic restitution. Learn to understand what it is and you will agree that the hologram cannot be made and reproduced at the same time even in digital holography. To do this there are other systems which do not specifically use laser light. Don’t go for a weighty visual effect for you, but a weighty “light soup” for us!

Jean-Luc: Next question.

4) During the last TCI experiment we captured an image where we can see two letters. We can’t decide on the second one. Is it a 2 or a Z. What can that mean?

They are initials. We can’t tell you how they match.

So it would be more of a Z than a 2
But Laurie would like to know why you can’t explain to us what that corresponds to?

These are the initials of a spirit which passes through your experiences, sees in these letters the expression of its identification. We do not find it opportune to surpass this will since this entity wanted it so.

We have already received a lot of letters, is it the same entity that produced them?

Spirits: No!

Are there Internet users who want to speak to this question?

Yes there is Lila who asks if the entities that we capture during the ICT experiments are there by chance or are they chosen?

These are souls of goodwill that lend themselves to experience. They came by our call but also by yours. There are illustrious strangers or relatives. Everyone will recognize them!
A day will come when these preliminaries will give way to the great light.

Are the entities that work with us there regularly?

The spirits:
Yes, today we have about fifty regulars!

Between illustrious strangers and relatives …

If they can write letters, can they also write complete sentences?

Yes of course we could also write sentences if that was our wish. But for the moment our concerns are quite different.
For those close to you, their efforts do not always succeed in breaking through the inertia of your material world.

We could know what their most important concerns are?

The spirits:
To realize a luminous manifestation in three dimensions.

Lila asks what could Internet users do to help them improve their appearances apart from of course concentration?

Concentration is already essential, their state of mind too. The communion of thought is generous and a lever for our interventions. A day will come when your efforts will be rewarded. The important thing once again is perseverance because where the crowd cheered us, only the rooted and the obstinate remain.
It will take some time for you to be aware of the new. For the time being, haste will be a sure sieve and guarantor of our pillars.

(At this stage of the experience a question on the internal problem of the Union Spirite Française is asked. It does not appear on the minutes)

Do you have anything to add to conclude or to say to someone present or to an Internet user?

My friends, we respect the place you give us. We would have a thousand other things to tell you but we do not have the energy to do it nor the mental credit. We will be waiting for you in other places.

Gabriel, Tardieu, Sébastopol and Leon.