Tuesday 01 October 2013

The spirits :
My dear friends, Research in any field is a work of clearing, a work of earthworks. When you discover the region to explore, the mediocre terrain, the chaotic character of the place urges you to build a support, even rudimentary, allowing you to stand upright. So, in the middle of nowhere, you build a plot adapted to your measurements. All around nothingness, the unknown, danger. In a cramped space, your work gives surface for your supports, you are more comfortable. Soon the ground you have built thrills you, you feel good about it and start to rest. The situation does not seem so urgent any more and you ask yourself by examining the work accomplished. However, nothing is done and if your seat seems consistent, it is nothing compared to the extent that you still have to cover.My friends, all this to tell you not to be satisfied with the tools put in place, but to take advantage of your support to now raise your work to the top. After the foundations, we must build the edifice, the one that will stand out and where we will come to meditate. My friends, your road is not finished, on the contrary, it begins now.

Thank you for always being present with us.

We thank you. We can’t do anything without your openness and you can’t do anything without our help. It is an intelligent union, which at the end of the day will overcome the material difficulties.

Thank you to everyone then. If you don’t mind, we have prepared two questions that we would like to ask you.
The first:
During the last automatic writing experiment, Joël presented you with a diagram that you found imperfect. Could you write us what it is missing?

The Spirits:
Yes, in fact, the idea was inspired to him, but the diagram is only one translation. The basis of the installation is given. It is necessary to considerably reduce the inconsistent light of the video projector. The light supports should be softer, less direct. You also need to think about the production of the hologram. Restore it on the plume of mist. So start from Joël’s diagram, but don’t forget the lights. Everything is too far away. Bring closer to the foyer, the cameras, the video projector. Also consider the future since the current configuration is the gestation of that future.

We hear your comments. The base of the projection window was given as an average measurement. It has no significant intrinsic character. The values of magnitude are not fundamentally important. In view of your equipment that you have installed and that we have handled, we notice problems that must be solved. So don’t be on guard when ratings are given and then made obsolete. You move forward and we are very often forced to adapt.

Okay, but that makes sense in this research. We try certain things, we find that, for example, the coasts are not good, that the lights are too strong and therefore to adapt and modify. No, this is all normal.

-The spirits responded to a question from one of the participants in the experiment via the internet.
Here is what Sébastien (the Internet user in question) wrote on this subject:
At one point the spirits said « yes Sébastien » in fact I had just written that on Skype:

« You have to practically leave the laser light in does other light sources serve as interference …

The spirits:
Yes Sébastien, we must go in this direction, all proportions to keep.

Okay, let’s go to the second question now. It will focus on sound.
We have some difficulties in picking up sounds. Do you have any direction for us?

Yes, again follow your intuition. You are well inspired, believe it. Take advantage of recognized examples to go to the unprecedented. Do not be afraid of the mistake. We must also think about the coupling of sound recording with video production. Remember that the latter will one day be released from the TCI capture system. It will only be used as an archive and the sound recording will not be a loop, or a medium, but an atmosphere. Do you understand ?

Clearly, there will no longer be a need to swing a medium without the cartridge, but rather to record what is happening in the cabin?

The spirits:
There will be an independent audiovisual support and recording.

Bruno: Independent?

Jean-Luc: We
will have to work on this to fully understand.

I don’t understand what they mean by “using video as an archive”.

The spirits:
A camera and a microphone outside the TCI configuration, which has its own audiovisual system.

OK, there will be the TCI capture system with its own components, cameras, video projector. And apart from all that, there will be independent video capture. To resume the whole loop?

The spirits:
The general atmosphere.

Who will record what is happening around.

Remember that we will try to show ourselves in 3dimensions and on a human scale.

Well listen, warmly this moment …

Believe it my friends, beyond your depravities, we are working on it with the help of God.

Do you have something to say before concluding this experience?

The spirits :
My friends, we will always have things to say to you, comments to make, since these reports are the backbone of our meeting. We would like you to move away from any catastrophic feelings and preserve yourself by faith. The one that animates your hearts. Nothing comes to you by chance on a road and God tests you in each of your days. You are not lost and live what is good for you. So be insightful and practical. Your road is built as surely as the air enters your lungs. The destabilizing events have not finished making you wrinkle your forehead. We predicted changes and gnashing of teeth, these are not over. Keep in mind the special moments that saddled your fate long ago now. And above all, do not believe in the sustainability of a system.Even the way we communicate will change, evolve and faith will have to be there again and again. We would like you all to understand these things and look to the future with serenity.
