Tuesday 25 April 2017

Spirits:My dear friends, it is customary to separate sound from image. Already, from the point of view of your biology, your eyes do not react in the same way to the sound vibrations that your eardrums can do, although they are also in contact with these in addition to the other luminous ones. In absolute terms, the two things converge towards a unity: transmission, or more exactly perception. Because […]

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The spirits :My dear friends, We explained it to you here even the incarnation is an eternal reality specific to each spirit without it being possible to determine a beginning of it. The spirit is embodied in the matter it is besides the genesis. The research that is done there is only the observation of its effects, these are apprehended by your senses and receive the amplitude. The incarnation […]

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Mediumistic experience carried out as part of our research in Instrumental Transcommunication. Spirits:My dear friends, our greatest difficulty is to appropriate the human mental field in the perspective of an intelligible exchange. Your humanity is a source of multiple ideologies which only corresponds to a certain amplitude of existence.Outside your mental fields, the expression of reality is quite different and no longer corresponds to the canons of your achievements. […]

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