Tuesday 6 December 2016

The spirits :Transcommunication will go beyond the choice of material, since its objective cannot be disavowed. Thus it is possible here below to carry out Transcommunication experiments with all kinds of techniques, whether it be optical or acoustic. Transcommunication is then a melting pot of means which in the choice identify the imagery of those who seek and who discover. For the time being, the mind cannot be mastered, […]

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Tuesday 01 November 2016

The Spirits:My dear friends, do not let yourself be distracted by the vagaries of your existence. It is normal that the vicissitudes you encounter can disrupt your gatherings, and besides, these trials can be a good thing. Since the spirit world is only the substrate of your living world (the one that you define and recognize in this way), you should not dwell on the negative aspects of this […]

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Tuesday 06 September 2016

The spiritsMy dear friends, spiritual manifestation is omnipresent and permanent, but it takes place outside of observation. Nature itself takes place, transforms and moves outside of observation. It should be understood that the observation stipulates a very different formal act according to the species which determine this action. An animal does not observe like a man, and a man does not observe like an alien. Yet, it is about […]

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