Monday 04 April 2006

Monday 04 April 2006

My dear friends,
The world will have made great progress in communication, when it apprehends the spiritual world other than as an ideology.
Official science will play a big role in this objective maturity, but under its enlightenment spirituality will lose some of its depth, making things unbalanced again and again.

The spiritual world is part of what you call nature and at this point is closer to the atomic elements than to a wordy spiritual encyclopedia still in human mental form. The paradox is that we have to go through this crucible to reach your intellect and teach you this point of view, or this mental arousal should we say.

Because the goal is to bring you closer to this reality by breaking down the ideological, dogmatic and materialist borders, which obscure the horizon of success.

What does science mean to lose its depth?

It is not science that will lose its depth, but the spiritual reality. Indeed, sooner or later man will understand that spiritual reality exists at the bottom of matter. He will assimilate this survival in the atomic properties of material elements and in this case those of the photon and its derivations. Arriving at this point, the magnificence of the spirit and that of God will be confused in the amalgamation of the universal forces and thus rendered impersonal.
We will understand immortality and the transfer of knowledge, communication and personality,

but we will forget the morality that governs these things. The mind will become mechanical and God the lifeblood of all this. Progress certainly, but there will be nuances still unfinished; know moderation to see it evolve in depth and in love.

Tony has been talking about new technology a while ago, can you tell us what you think about audio holography?

We have followed the interests of our brother Tony and have something to do with this well- timed craze. The system you mention exists in several forms. The one called holography is part of it and does not in itself constitute a real discovery. For a long time your sciences have made the connection between your waves and that of laser light, both of which can be phased and thus interfere with each other. For your installation it could be useful and come closer as our brother Joël said about ultrasound. In this only difference that the rendering is done in 3 dimensions. But in the current case that is to say in view of your installation, we do not encourage you in this technique, in any case not before having understood the light interferometry which interests us. But you will quickly realize that the sounds you emit will disturb your object rays. We see you in the future very amused by the thing. For example, think of the surface of the water reflecting your face, disturbed by the movement of a stick plunged into it.

Kind of like when you managed to interact with sound via picture some time ago by interference.

Yes. To be clearer we were using your body mass as an antenna. In fact we cut your UHF loop by interference. The disturbances thus obtained were neither more nor less than cuts in the continuity of the module. Not very original, it is true, but what enabled us to catch up with you a little, lost in moments of a certain gloom.

A question from a user (Lecra). During a TCI experiment, would the use of a Faraday cage allow some of the parasites to be suppressed?

The Faraday cage would suppress the waves foreign to the experience, the ambient parasites. But it would not be of any use for our communication. Indeed, your module is not disturbed at this point by radio, TV or other interference, it is not by our own disturbances. You can put it in place, we are convinced of the merits, not of the technique, but of the concern which makes it prevail. Again the waves that we produce are closer to the X-ray than to the electromagnetic wave. Use the radiating wave footage if you can, you will be much closer to the truth than looking for us in the dark world of electromagnetic afterglow.

A question from a surfer (wave). How can the psy wave function be materialized in TCI and in

what way is the nature of the photon useful in supporting the information that conveys this wave?

But what does it matter? The photon is par excellence the carrier particle of the psy wave, since it is he who forms what the mind decides and wants. The universe is an ideoplastic theater which is modeled on your mental stimuli. The photon is the neutral observer who converges without limit towards your reality. No wonder then that we use light and radiance to manifest ourselves to you.

Does anyone here have the ability to highlight what you just said?

Do not underestimate yourselves my friends, the future still holds many surprises for you.

(Tony) Kind of like the electrodes for the TV, the picture?

The cathode ray tube, the connections and the very place of the experiment is already a transformation of photons, induced by the mind.

A question from a user (Tibou): The evidence received during all these experiences, are they intended to prove your existence to us or to reassure us in mourning or in our beliefs? Your ambition goes beyond a simple spiritualistic experience, can the sharing of us with the support of spirits not become more important in the world? Could the evidence not multiply to prove your existence? And if not why?

We are not going to come back here to what we have just transmitted to you, however, we are going to shed light on certain crucial points of this question.
The proof of our existence is mental, before being physical since as we told you, the man first discovers in his strong interior before doing it physically. Our manifestation, which everyone hopes, does not occur only according to our will or that of man. We do not have the power to open the earthly sky and manifest ourselves with great pomp. This is for several reasons, but we will only give two. The first is that the world you live in is directly induced by the embodied mass and as such you live your works and your choices, as hard as it may seem. The second is that in this organigram the psyche leaves no room for the material mechanization of physical phenomena considered miraculous, and this for the first reason.
In conclusion, our events take the place that the whole gives. The exceptions are there to open you up to the upper floor. The goal of our interventions is only the effect of a timeless fraternization. The supporters are not human, despite all the pedagogy that is put in place to explain it to us.

A question from an Internet user (cherry red); Can our state of mind, communion or concentration at the time of the ICT or mediumistic experiences have a great influence on the clarity of the results or whether we should rather seek improvements at the technical level with regard to the construction? and the use of the module and the analysis of audio recordings?

Of course, it is not conceivable to approach research in ICT without the essential mental spiritual element in all human actions. Remember, the TCI is the clever mixture of the said spiritual with the said material. And screw and vice versa. We leave you to your studies.
