Tuesday 06 December 2011

My dear friends, let’s visit again the problems before you, read the promulgated advice and try to understand. The repetition of communications is not a dead letter but useful for the needy. The exchange we have is not perpetuating old or poorly ordered ideas, but a plan that delicately falls into place and gets you to where you are. Be attentive and take the trouble to open your intellect to elaborate in your souls the basic principle because the important thing is you will have understood it, the principle of your Module rather than its conceptual form.

What do you call the principle of the Module?

The principle of the Module is the synthesis of the agenerate, that is to say, the visual manifestation of the spiritual in a material agglomeration mattered quickly to contrast intelligible contours. This principle can be obtained by different methods and in infinite scales.

Well, we will now come to the question that we had prepared …

We are surprised, did you understand what we just had to write to this man?

I seem to have understood. The principle of the Module allows us to obtain images of spirits thanks to a holographic device. You also tell us that there are different ways to do this. I understood now …

The spirits:
Yes very well, we had weighed the word « agenerate » in order to orient you on the very controversial aspect of this substance and which however is of the same principle.

Agener has often been obtained using ectoplasm. The latter would ultimately be the same principle as the haze we would like to make. However in my opinion it had to be more compact than the misting that we would like to set up. But in principle that’s it…
It was something vaporous that the spirits managed to manipulate to make a face appear.

You are not far from the truth my brother, without counting the principle of the spiritualist cabin which condensed and isolated the manifestation. There you are.

At the time, there were a lot of experiments carried out around the ageneral which took place in a black booth, where the medium was placed. In some cases an ectoplasm spread in the cabin space. The black of it allowed its manifestation. Apparently the Module cabin principle repeats history.
With the misting that we want to put in place, we are going to replace the physical effect of ectoplasm a little.

The spirits:
To modernize its principle and make it possible without considerable input of extremely rare energy on Earth.

That’s it, the principle that we are going to put in place will replace the agenerate.

It is interesting that you have this information in mind.

Because it required a considerable amount of energy!

But the ageneral was quite compact, will we then have to create a light or compact mist?

The spirits:
The support which will allow you to make visible the light will have to be light, volatile.

We have another question prepared, but beforehand someone would like to add something?

What I understood is that thanks to the system that we are going to put in place, we are going to have results resembling ectoplasm but with a lower energy requirement.

Yes that’s what they say…
Ectoplasm requires a lot of energy and is extremely rare on Earth. We are going to set up a device that could create the same thing but with much less energy.
For the question we had prepared:
During the last experiment in automatic writing, you advised us to go to the simplest and to use for the misting a simple bottle of water in aerosol. Is it just to focus, and if so, how can we proceed with the experimentation?

The advice given had an optional aspect. In fact we feel very annoyed with the development of this medium. The difficulties are real, but they cannot delay you, prevent the deadline. The example given showed you the simplicity of the principle, of the functioning, but it was not an end one either, that is obvious. Misting seems to us the most accessible for you. You find the right compromise. For now, don’t wait any longer, work …

We made plans with Joël, today what we lack the most is the time to get the equipment. But we have a pretty clear idea of what we want to do.
As you say we have to work….
We should set ourselves a schedule …

Do you have one more tip to add?

We like to come and talk to you, your listening is real and makes us candid. We have all our time, it is up to you to measure your prerogatives and your sense of duty. Your works are taken seriously and past expectations you half meet those we have for you. Do not disperse and stay the course. Never forget that in the last entrenchment, providence will shake up your habits to bring you back to the right path. You are not alone and your responsibility is effective. Desertion cannot exist in such an enterprise.
You are no longer blind, think about it …

Jean-Luc :
C’est certain, lorsque l’on te dit attention il y a un trou ne tombe pas dedans et que tu y tombe, tu

ne pourras pas dire que tu ne l’avais pas vu et ta responsabilité est beaucoup plus importante. Bien, et en conclusion que pouvez-vous nous dire ?

Les esprits :
Dites au médium qui nous sert d’intermédiaire de manger plus léger avant le contact. Son enveloppe charnelle nous est pénible ce soir.
Nous vous laissons à vos vies.
