Tuesday 6 December 2016

The spirits :
Transcommunication will go beyond the choice of material, since its objective cannot be disavowed. Thus it is possible here below to carry out Transcommunication experiments with all kinds of techniques, whether it be optical or acoustic. Transcommunication is then a melting pot of means which in the choice identify the imagery of those who seek and who discover. For the time being, the mind cannot be mastered, calculated, made patent with your devices. No, you will only be able, and for a long time to come, to approach it, to sense it. So stubbornness will only be useful for one purpose: to design better and always more. The choice of instruments is useful for researchers but cannot be made like a convention to which we should abide. No,the singularity is still in order, but must tend towards the acceptance of a principle, of a calculation. Your technical orientations will, over time, only offer this particularity and therefore inspire other researchers. Moreover, human science has not discovered everything and in all disciplines there will be a paragraph to add, an extension to program. Thus the sciences of optics and acoustics will have an additional dimension that you will not be able to observe. Light can be perceived even differently, and your goals for tomorrow will then be dematerialized. But before you get there, you will still have to perfect your approach by shedding old human reflexes.Your technical orientations will, over time, only offer this particularity and therefore inspire other researchers. Moreover, human science has not discovered everything and in all disciplines there will be a paragraph to add, an extension to program. Thus the sciences of optics and acoustics will have an additional dimension that you will not be able to observe. Light can be perceived even differently, and your goals for tomorrow will then be dematerialized. But before you get there, you will still have to perfect your approach by shedding old human reflexes.Your technical orientations will, over time, only offer this particularity and therefore inspire other researchers. Moreover, human science has not discovered everything and in all disciplines there will be a paragraph to add, an extension to program. Thus the sciences of optics and acoustics will have an additional dimension that you will not be able to observe. Light can be perceived even differently, and your goals for tomorrow will then be dematerialized. But before you get there, you will still have to perfect your approach by shedding old human reflexes.has not discovered everything and in all disciplines there will be a paragraph to add, an extension to program. Thus the sciences of optics and acoustics will have an additional dimension that you will not be able to observe. Light can be perceived even differently, and your goals for tomorrow will then be dematerialized. But before you get there, you will still have to perfect your approach by shedding old human reflexes.has not discovered everything and in all disciplines there will be a paragraph to add, an extension to program. Thus the sciences of optics and acoustics will have an additional dimension that you will not be able to observe. Light can be perceived even differently, and your goals for tomorrow will then be dematerialized. But before you get there, you will still have to perfect your approach by shedding old human reflexes.you will still have to perfect your approach by shedding old human reflexes.you will still have to perfect your approach by shedding old human reflexes.

Does anyone want to bounce off the intro or not?

The first question we have prepared for you is Omar who will ask it.

Good evening, a few months ago you told us that you were not satisfied with the laser that is currently in the cell and that it is disrupting your demonstrations.

Do we always have to replace it? if so and depending on our financial means, what model do you recommend, what wavelength, what power?

My friends, you have well measured the essential aspect of the photon whether it is excited or not. This particle is a privileged support capable of transporting our intention. If there is one aspect in your configuration that upsets us the most, it is your laser because its phase is perceptible to us much more than your carbon atoms for example. This is why we were talking to you about perfecting your installation. The one you own could do the trick if only it didn’t emit those fluctuations that destabilize our influence. We therefore recommend replacing it or at least making it more stable.

So this is a power supply issue I guess, can we use the power supply we already have at IFRES behind me, could that do the trick?

My friend, you are well inspired, so follow your instincts and do not encumber yourself with bad considerations, go to the point, without scratching yourself on discussions without scope.

Is it okay Omar? Thanks for the question.

The next question is Pascal who will put it to you on the mirrors.

So, we intend to perform a linear strioscopic assembly on the axis of the large parabola with a parabolic mirror attached to the large parabola. So we are considering the purchase of a 305mm diameter Kepler mirror with a focal length of one meter twenty, would that be suitable for the assembly?

We would have preferred a much larger mirror, but that doesn’t seem possible by tracking the physical state of your cell. It will therefore be necessary to control the contributions of light but also of mist. The possible frame of observation should not exceed the limits of your mirror. Streaking will only be possible with the haze in a smaller smear or the mirror should be larger. In order not to make a clean sweep of your configuration, we understand that the possible limits of the focal length determine the circumference of the said mirror. Therefore, everything will have to be scaled thanks to well-fitting covers.

Is it good Pascal? Can you ask the second question for haze requirements please?

So, we had discussed the fact of seeing infrasound with strioscopy as well as more or less chaotic disturbances in the air, so we said to ourselves, will we always need haze in the long term? new configuration?

The spirits:
The mist here plays the role of a revealer or a screen. Projecting random shapes is only possible on a screen. This cannot be done directly on the mirror, but on a translucent element smaller than the circumference of the mirror. Mist is therefore useful for this configuration. It is no longer so if we only consider the variations of the sound supports or the basic disturbances of the air, since we will be able to arrive at the same volutes with a simple source of heat or light, do you understand?
We advise you in your editing not to project the generated image from the front but at an angle that does not directly illuminate the mirror, think of the reflection …

Is it good?

Pascal: It’s good.

The next question is Annick who will ask it.

Good evening, is it useful to place a heating element behind the mirror?

Especially not! You would disturb the air and thus create other unwanted features. The disturbances or controlled supports will have to be in the focus of your great parable. For humidity problems don’t worry, you will find that there will be a lot less water than expected.

Is it good Annick?

Annick: Yes.

The next question is Sébastien who will ask it to you.

Very well, so good evening also (little touch of humor towards Omar for good evening), so my question,
this is about the shape generator, so i have a little doubt about generating pixel porridge, i’m not sure this is really what is useful to you, but let’s admit it would be ok, Pascal suggested that in

order to generate colors randomly the random side of the computer which is based on time would not be enough, it would need analog randomness, so could you confirm that this is the case, and in this case there, I wanted to push the idea a little further: Could it be useful to you if we install small sensors in the cell such as a humidity sensor, an infrared sensor, depth etc …, to be determined again, to allow you to slightly influence the computer program that will use these values to generate the colors,and suddenly you could influence the colors to project on the mist?

My friend, the idea of sensors is a good one, but we cannot use them at will. Or should we be using an energy that we will miss for something else. The agreed principle is to make (as sensitive as possible) a random system. Except the sensors that you think are not. Better then to try with an ionization sensor or electrodynamic waves ……..

…….. Pascal:
Dynamic or magnetic?

Yes, in any case it’s marked dynamic.

Infrared is useful to us but in a program, like a tool, an additional material. We cannot for sure cut a beam. Unless you have a medium capable of producing a telekinesis effect.

Is it good Sébastien?

Very well, thank you, but suddenly, I would have liked a confirmation, a porridge of pixels would really suit you?

Spirits: No.

Ah, (Pascal looks surprised), do you want to bounce back Pascal?

Pascal: Uh yes.

We need already created forms, not the possible sources that determine these same forms. Perhaps we lacked precision. We will influence the random movement of a generator of shapes, i.e. squares, rectangles, circles, ovals, etc., in the smallest possible proportion depending on the quality of your tools, of course. . The group of three pixel is not useful to us. We cannot influence their enlightenment since the energy which determines this action takes priority.

Making a system of shapes random will allow us to increase the recurrence beyond what is possible according to the law of probabilities.

Thank you, you want to bounce back Pascal?

Can I bounce back?
That is to say that let’s imagine that we send a series of crystalline images such as square crystals, triangle crystals, all in a random sequence generated in an external generator that would suit you all. ?

Yes much better.

Is it good?

Everyone: It’s good.

For the next question, Valérian will ask it:

First of all hello, so I’m asking myself the question about the images you send: do the images you send have any particular characteristics, such as for example a higher contrast locally in the spatial domain and in the time domain?

Yes of course, the special character of our images is that they “enclose” our will, our sign, what you call anomalies. These images are mediocre and only made visible through the media coverage of Joël. Without its sensitivity, large number of images would have been invisible. What Joël produces on a medium scale, we can approach it with random movements. We will thus approach « the least resistance ». When you have come to hear much more of our requests, then you will agree to our manifestations in other forms. Improving the contrasts and the definition of your tools is however profitable because you will thus multiply the useful information.

Is it good?

You have partially answered the next question, first thank you for your answers. So to improve the contrast, the contrast and other characteristics of the image of course, I was thinking of digital image processing methods, you can do a lot of things with digital image processing, the

first one is is to improve the contrast, the second is to help Joël to make a preselection of the images, based on the sum of the squares of the gradients, after some images which are blurry we can make them less blurry using filters, in addition there are other applications that could ultimately help to adjust the device, to avoid that there are too many saturated pixels etc. I am surely forgetting other things but theidea that would be to take the images of the device and try to analyze them and improve them according to the situation, I am finished.

The spirits:
We are in perfect agreement with this study, your detractors will be less, because the work of images is always suspicious for the blind. In fact, processing images to improve their reading is only profitable when contact is established. So you will have to use these devices when you agree that we can manifest ourselves (in a recurring way) and this by sending you something other than intelligible forms for you. Automated study will only be possible in binary conversions of our manifestations. In the meantime you still need the mediumistic contribution.

Valérian: Thank you.

Is it good?

Nah it’s uh, it’s just that I think I have an idea of where you wanted to arrive.

Yes, we confirm that to you my friend.

Olala, sorry the expression, oh cow, sorry

Yes as you say.

The last question is Pascal who will ask you:

When you mentioned a controlled infrasonic field, could the superposition of two similar audible sounds with fairly slight frequency deviations in the order of 0.5 to 8 Hz be a good acceptable candidate for you to start with, a bit like “Hemi sync”.

Yes because it is materially impossible for you to produce infrasound with your current equipment. So this intuition is commendable.

OK, thank you.

Does anyone have another question on TCI? Ah (spirits write)

My friends we leave you, your medium is bored with his bladder. We leave you to your studies and learn to start your moments well in mediumism by offering your souls the essential peace.

Eric and Tardieu