Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My dear friends, the technicality of your research should not become the tree that hides the forest. We spirits, must ensure the intrinsic balance which must reign between your spirituality and the supposed technique for the three-dimensional rendering. The manifestation that we exercise here cannot yet find a formal adequacy in your science. The evolution of man is still fishing in many subjects, to hope to find the absolute meaning of spirituality.
Matter, and therefore your technique, is only the still imperfect result of your awakening, the resulting technologies are all imperfect and human logic flouted in its raison d’être. The tools which are placed at your disposal are still very far from being able to « map » the field of spiritual manifestations. Psychic reality in humans is still in the state of potentiality, a true virtual world, so it is not possible to synthesize its existence. It is then unlikely to want to do it with the disembodied mind.
My friends, do not forget that our demonstration takes place here thanks to your supports, but also thanks to your spirits. The same tools, the same installation would not work with a refractory man, because if the photon reacts to observation, the psychic entity reacts to the depth of feelings.

Question 1: why can’t we get votes?

The question can also be asked in this sense; why do we not, spirits, manifest ourselves in your sound system. There is, again, a notion of affinity. We must equally master the atoms that make up your devices and the mind of the experimenter. We are not worried, because we see a possible future, where things are going wonderfully. It is a notion of faith my friends.

So how come we manage to have a video demonstration?

Because we control Joël without his knowledge.

Yes … my question was relevant and when he speaks of an experimenter then is he a very specific person?

The spirits :
Absolutely, transcommunication is a clever mix between technique and spirit. The indices of this theory are multiple and mark out the history of instrumental transcommunication. Your goal is to broaden this aspect, by normalizing the mediumistic sense in it. If things would only be possible through the technical element, then all devices in the world would be capable of receiving the image or voice of spirits. But it is not, at least for the moment. Man is still essential for this exercise. It goes without saying that this must evolve and your science will find a way to prove survival. But before this state of affairs, we must find the balance between the two media that are the machine and the man, just as we used to use in the past.a table to make us heard. Human techniques are refined over time and allow us things that were unthinkable 150 years ago. On the same scale, in 150 years we will be doing much more relevant things. However, today things are still murky and you are at the stage of straightening out. We constantly inspire you to study, trying to find with you the best technical elements, the quickest to create the necessary chemistry for our voices.We constantly inspire you to study, trying to find with you the best technical elements, the quickest to create the necessary chemistry for our voices.We constantly inspire you to study, trying to find with you the best technical elements, the quickest to create the necessary chemistry for our voices.

So from what you just told us it wouldn’t be relevant but I was wondering a few days ago if we shouldn’t change people?

We prefer to focus on one.

Question: Should we change the microphones?

This is just common sense. Already use what is possible to acquire at your level and according to the technique. Why use a hand crank coffee grinder, when you can use an electric one? The vintage is only worth in the search for a better, here among other things, with the evolution of your devices.

Question: Should I change the Console?

Yes, we leave the choice of tools to you. Be careful, however, of electrical radiation.

Electric radiation. Does this mean that the power supply to the microphones, as proposed by Joël, can have an impact on 48 volts?

Yes, an incidence but much more at the level of 50 Hz than that of electromagnetic waves.

Does that mean that we shouldn’t feed these microphones?

We could also have written: « isolated ».

Question 2: what do you mean by « the trace left by the phenomenon »?

Your recordings.

The trace left by our recordings …?

No. The recording of our events. Traces that can be inspected!

Yes it is, the images and sounds that are captured …

Yes. An audio recording has a trace, a measurable spectrum after the fact and which can determine its origin and its medium.

Sébastien (via internet):
Maybe the experimenter should speak in the cell through the same microphones?

But that’s where I have trouble … who is the experimenter?

But it’s you Bruno!

Oh well, isn’t that the one in the cabin?

The Spirits:
Yes, it is the one who records. The person in the cabin is another support. The link is made through the medium which, manipulating the recording tools, is well inspired for reading assistance.

Is that exactly what Joël is doing?

The spirits:
Yes Sébastien…

(Bruno told us about Sébastien’s thinking through the internet: « it’s the user of the equipment who plays » ….

Once again, this is a clever mixture that strikes your understanding. Some want to find software or a machine capable of communicating with people without errors, others want to see people live on love and fresh water, far from the modern world. All of these men are wrong and lack insight. Nature is a perfect balance and technology is part of it.

Internet user question: should we speak throughout the experience?

The spirits:
This is not a condition for success, but it can serve as a support. All of this has already been heard. Again guard against reading errors.

Internet user question: can the number of people in the workshop and the frequent change in the cell change the result?

Yes, of course, the number of participants plays an important role in obtaining the phenomenon through an active mental egregore.

Thanks to you. I’ll leave the conclusion to you.

My dear friends, your research will run up against spiritual and scientific dogmatism, both of them sticking to their positions. It will then be necessary to understand our action and make it obvious through your explanations. The phenomenon that we are producing will make impossible things and will mark a strong sign in wave theories. But first, you will still have to lean on the intimate web of your minds and reduce its roughness. Be good and have mercy.
